For Freelancers, Coaches, Digital Creators, and Personal Brand Owners

Struggling to build, scale, and monetize your personal brand?

Learn how you can leverage...

Marketing, Copywriting, and Simple Emails

To build your own digital empire to create an unbreakable community, attract MORE high-quality leads to your brand, and skyrocket your sales.

Here's what you get when you sign up ↓

  • The 6-step newsletter process you can "plug and play" into your brand this week (which I used to make a client $17,339 in only 90 days)

  • Simple (yet sneaky) tips and tricks to guarantee you grow and monetize your brand while capturing more attention than your competition

  • Weekly lessons for coaches, creators, and freelancers sharing actionable branding and marketing tips you can use to monetize your digital empire

  • And some other fun stories and resources waiting for you inside :)

Join 300+ Others Building Their Digital Empire Every Week:

What's Up, My Name's Connor!

In June 2023, I took a chance. bet on myself and went all in on my freelancing business. Since then, I've generated over $435,000 for my clients, worked with some incredible brands all on my own schedule, and (most importantly) design a lifestyle that I absolutely lovvvveeee.But truth is, it wasn't always that way...Because in the spring of 2023, I was spending my days working an unfulfilling job at a PR agency before rushing out to coach youth soccer in the evenings. It was long, tiring, and far from how I wanted to be spending my days.And if I'm being honest, I was tired of living that life. I was worn down and beat up. I had burnt out and burnt out bad.That's why one gloomy and rainy evening, I decided to make a change. I decided to bet on myself and go all in on the vision I had for my future. And it's safe to say that bet paid off.Now?I'm a writer, marketer, and coach on a mission to help as many people as I can build the life of their dreams through building, growing, and monetizing their personal brand.So if you're a freelancer, coach, or creator that wants to get all the inside tips and lessons and learn from my own experiences so you can do the same?Drop your email below and join 330+ others building their own digital empire each week!

This is the Only Time You'll Ever See This Offer...

You're a Legend :)

Thanks for signing up and joining my email list! I promise you won't be disappointed. To ensure you get my emails, check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.Now, below is a quick video sharing a special offer that you'll quite literally only see on this page... ever. I'll never share this with you ever again.So if you're a coach, creator, or freelancer that has questions or needs help building, growing, and monetizing your personal brand, I'd recommend you watch the quick video below to learn more about how I can help ↓